Burton & Swinburne Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon

Burton & Swinburne Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon

Author: M.[ark] Hodder

Bionote: November 28th, 1962.

Date: 2012.

Place: New York

Publisher: Pyr.

ISBN: 978-1-61614-535-4.

Number of Pages: 404.

Reference: Hodder, Mark. (2012). Burton & Swinburne Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon. New York: Pyr.

Genre: Steampunk Novel.

Screen Adaptations: No

Portuguese Translations: No


In an alternate 1863, Sir Richard Francis Burton is recruited, by Prime Minister Lord Palmerston, to find the third missing Eye of Naga (a set of three black diamonds with mystical properties that can control time and prevent war).

Keywords: Victorian Era; Steampunk; Sir Francis Richard Burton; Algernon Charles Swinburne; Lord Palmerston.

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